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Extra-Life 2014 Actual Plans

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:50 pm
by Murdock
Ok guys...Here are the final details.
Where: Same place as last year
1574 N Route 23
Butler, NJ 07405

When: 9:00AM - Saturday 10/25 to 09:00AM - Sunday Then clean up and breakfast and all that stuff.

Who? : Murdock
WarGhoul (Afternoon)
Cupcake (Afternoon)

Do we want to meet up Friday Night to preload some hours and get a head start on the marathon?

Also, what games do we want to play? I mentioned at the GXL that we could play 1 hour of DMC easy. What else do we want to play? How about for board games? What movies should we play in the background? I will be trying to do the stop motion video thing again this year as well as stream it through Twitch.

Re: Extra-Life 2014 Actual Plans

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:46 pm
by harlock
How about UT and TF2?

Re: Extra-Life 2014 Actual Plans

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:49 pm
by bmeister1
Friday Night works for me. Is there some kind of sleeping arrangements that I could possibly hang out till Sunday morning. I can bring a LCD with a screen if needed.

Re: Extra-Life 2014 Actual Plans

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:18 pm
by [FETT]Cupcake
I'm not sure about Friday. Just let me know where you'll be and I might make it. I'm bringing the laptop so I'll be mobile. I'm leaving the new rig at home. It's not quite done. It will be ready for FITEs.

Re: Extra-Life 2014 Actual Plans

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 10:36 am
by Digger[NJLP]
Slight change of plans for me.

I will be attending for the day on Saturday and Eddie will be joining me. We will have to head out, probably after dinner, on Saturday night.
But Eddie will have his PC, so I figure 12 hours each of gaming between us should satisfy the requirements :)

Re: Extra-Life 2014 Actual Plans

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:53 pm
by Murdock here is what I have so far...(This will be updated as we see fit. Do not count on things to go down like it is listed here.)

09:00-11:00----Gaming start (Murdock, Tome, Harlock, Digger, Corpus)
11:00-11:30----Plan and order lunch (Anthony Franco, Subway, Pizza King?) Continue gaming.
12:30-13:30----Lunch & gaming
13:30-16:00----gaming gaming (WarGhoul)
16:00-18:30----Artemis??? & Gaming gaming gaming
19:30-20:00----Plan and order dinner
20:00-22:00----Board gaming for some ?
06:00-09:00----Wrap it up
09:00-09:30----Clean it up and pack it up and get to breakfast.

0900 Murdock
0900 Tome
0900 Digger
0900 Corups
0900 Harlock
0900 Bmeister
1000 GTC
1200 Cupcake
1500 WarGhoul H7th?

Re: Extra-Life 2014 Actual Plans

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:55 pm
by [FETT]Cupcake
I'm going to try and leave Mahwah around noon. So I'll be there much earlier than 3.

Re: Extra-Life 2014 Actual Plans

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:55 pm
by Digger[NJLP]
I'm packing Eddie's PC tonight and we plan to be on the road between 7 and 7 :30, arriving 8:45 - 9 AM