DOD is on sale at Circuit City this week...

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DOD is on sale at Circuit City this week...

Post by Murdock »

DOD:SOURCE is on sale at Circuit City this week...

$10 !

How can you pass that up? I went to CC last night. The guy tried everything in their power NOT do anything for me. It wasn't on the shelf, and they just said, "Well, we don't have it then." I didn't believe them, so asked the guy to check the computer. He tried and tried, but couldn't find it (not his fault...I know how hard it is to find things in those systems). Then I asked him to go to the web and find it that way. When he found it on the CC website (not the weekly ad on the web) it said $19.99 and had red print that said NOT FOR STORE PICKUP. He goes, "See, you can't get this in the store." I said, well then why would it be in the weekly flyer, and I showed him the pic. He said, sorry its just not here and you won't find it in any store. I said, could you just take the item number from the website and use that in your in store search? He did, and found it. Then when it came up it had zeros for everything, IN STOCK, SALES, ON ORDER, etc... and he goes, "see...its not in the stores..." Then he clicked the check local stores link on his system, and the local stores popped up, and EVERY OTHER STORE HAD STOCK BUT THE PARAMUS STORE!!!!!!

I got out of work late last night, and choose to go to the Paramus store because I didn't think I would make it before they closed. Now I had to run to the WAYNE store. I called TOME_NJLP. He was at a diner near Wayne, and said he would run there for me. Luckily...he was able to find 2 copies mixed in with their regular stock on the shelves, and bought them both.

If you want it...don't wait. I suspect at $10, people will be buying more than one we did.

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